Welcome to your safe cocoon
where you’ll be seen
where you’ll be held
where you’ll get answers
where you’ll heal 🦋
Soul Emergence is exactly what you need. And it’s not just a sales pitch. It’s the truth. It’s how these sessions were designed.
In a Soul Emergence session, I deliver exactly what you need however you need it. You will receive messages, guidances but also healing and activations. Sometimes, past lives come up and we explore them to shine a light on what needs to be brought to your attention.
Soul Emergence is based on you, your energy, your soul and what you need.
It responds to your frequency and frequency never lies.
90 minutes
Live on Zoom + Replay
200 175 €
Soul Emergence is the sum of my initiations & knowledge, my experience. It’s different methods I practice infused with my own unique magic.
How the sessions goes...
In the beginning, I guide you through in a grounding meditation in order to allow to arrive in this moment together and to set intentions.
This meditation relaxes you, taking away fear or anxiety away, and opens you for the reading. This is also an opportunity for me to set a sacred & protected space and to connect with your energy field.
Once connected, I will share the messages you need to hear. I offer guidances that make sense of what you feel and what you’re going through at the moment. I also deliver healing and activations if and when needed. We may cut cords and we may explore past lives. Every session is different and unique because it is for you and your unique energy & needs… but I always channel practical tips & tricks to implement in your day to day life because you have a lot of healing power. And what is a reading good for if you don’t receive practical keys?
At the end, I will send you light and disconnect from your energy.
As soon as the replay is uploaded, I will send it to you via email. You will be able to watch it and get new codes from it
Who is this for?
- The curious minded that needs to gain clarity (I’ll spill all the tea)
- The one that wants to feel seen and held, on a soul level
- The spiritual babes that know they need a reading that is also a healing that is also going to activate you (you want it all, you’ll get it all)
- The one that feels curious and in resonance with it all. Tune in the energy of this by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath in and you’ll know if it’s for you.
What to expect?
- An in depth reading
- Understanding & ahah-moments
- Feeling held
- Practical tips & tricks to implement in your day to day life
- Lightness
- Emotional release
- Energy healing
- Activating moments
- And most of all… receiving just what you need ✨